The Man
The Machine
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When this site was originally created, there was only a single "Machine". As time went along that first project grew into others. I've listed them below (click the image to see the construction details):

The Enlight CaseThis was the original project and my start into case mods and overclocking.
Tower of RagEMy second and probably best known project was the painted "Tower of RagE" case.
WorkstationAlthough it never really became a "project", my workstation is another of my "Machines".
DigiCaseI built this "Digimon" themed machine for my daughter for her sixth birthday.
Road RagETaking "case modding" to a entirely different level (for me, anyhow) I modified my 2002 Nissan Frontier as a rolling computer.
RagE TheaterThe truck was a pretty big mod. Hmmmm, what have I got that is bigger?.... oh yeah - the house! Here is my Home Theater PC.
Media ServerOriginally, the HTPC was going to be a file/media server, but I decided instead to build a seperate terabyte server.
JayFeatherAnother wheeled project as I convert my Jayco travel trailer into a digital jukebox.
Road RagE IIA rather ambitious project as I modify my new 2007 Toyota Tundra Crewmax Limited.
KTM 950 AdventureAlthough not as electronics-based as most of my modification projects, here is my KTM 950 Adventure.
Snow Hawk Outlaw 600Another mechanical-based project. This is a 2006 Snow Hawk Outlaw 600