After researching I decided to replace the old 500B (katmai 512k 1/2 speed L2 cache) with a 600E (coppermine 256k full speed L2 cache). Now, 100Mhz does not sound like much of an upgrade, I agree but read on..... | First off, the 1.10 revision of the ASUS P2B motherboard was not designed to run a coppermine CPU. The lowest Vcore it can produce is 1.8v. The coppermine requests 1.65v (ie. we're looking at a no boot scenario here). Again, with a little research, this time in the ASUS newsgroup I found out that if I used a slocket and a FC-PGA (Flip Chip - Pin Grid Array) cpu, I could "trick" the motherboard into running this CPU by setting the slocket Vcore to 1.8v. An OEM CPU and an ASUS S370-133 slocket was ordered from my local dealer, MicroServ Canada and an Alpha PEP66 was ordered from the CoolerGuys.com.
Assembly was pretty easy: install the chip into the slocket and follow the Alpha directions to put the hsf together
It now fit back into the slot1 socket with no problems. This is a BIG cooler! As you can see, it covers up one of the DIMM slots!
No screwing around this time, I set the fsb straight to 133MHz. This bus speed is desirable since at this speed only the RAM and AGP are overclocked - the PCI bus stays at its correct speed (33MHz).
Almost too easy :)