
What you see here is my nice AYHJA core with a big chip out of the corner (sigh). As I was putting the HSF on, I heard and felt it *crunch*. So there was no 1.33GHz loving that day and the P2B went back in (again, sigh).
Turns out I had the retaining clip for the SK-6 on backwards. Woulda been nice if it had come with some instructions :(
Since I always buy locally, I brought it back and told my sad story - fully expecting having to buy another. Luckily, I was granted a second try and the "defective" chip was replaced with this one:

Yeah, I know its a crappy pic but its too late now.
Anyhow, I'm not chancing that again so I ordered a non-conductive shim from Bigfoot Computers

With the clip reversed (i.e. on correctly) the HSF went on as it was supposed to. No crunching.
Um, no pic but some Artic Silver heatsink compound went between them.

It is solid copper and is pretty heavy. That fan, btw, is a 7,000 rpm Delta Black Label. Lotsa people complain that these are too noisy but in my case I don't think that will be an issue. ;)