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At the beginning of this project, my case was running rather hot @ 36C. So, the cpu hsf was changed and a hard drive cooler and a >blower were also installed. There was a 3COM 56k ISA modem not in use (since I am using cable now) so I pulled it out. The remaining cards were rearranged to allow more air at the video board. I tried to clean up the cables as much as possible but it is difficult to manage that spagetti.

Ambient temperature went down 6 degrees Celcius (to 30C) - not too bad.

Guts with new coolers installed

Then this contraption from 2COOLPC arrived.

With all these coolers installed the system ran at 28C ambient. After 4hrs of on-line Quake 3 the case temperature was only 31C.

2COOL PC installed
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