[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] | Now that the noisy work is done, back into the house to wire it up. The Y-adaptors for the top exhausts were cut off and spliced to a single 18 guage pair with a Molex connector at the end (4 pin "hard drive" power connector). I cut off the tiny 3-pin connector on the 120mm YS-Tech and installed a Molex. The front 120mm Sunon was ok. All of these wires were ty-wrapped nice and neat to the 3.5" drive cage.
Same for the left panel. All the Y-adaptors cut off, the wires threaded neatly around the mounting bolts and connected to an 18 guage pair with a Molex connector.
Since I'm on a wiring clean-up binge, I decided to "round" the IDE cables. Basically, this meant cutting every fourth joint and then ty-wrapping the bundle together.
So, here are the guts in the end:
While it is neater than ever before, it still looks kinda messy to my eye. I wish you could get IDE cables that are actually round and far shorter.